Types of Violations
An ethical violation that occurs within a company, resulting in financial and/or reputational damage.
A general term encompassing various forms of stealing without the owner's permission.
Unethical behavior to gain profit through illegal means.
Violation of Regulations and Laws
Any activity that violates the company's applicable policies and procedures.
Conflict of Interest
A situation where an employee places their personal interests above the company's interests, and where these personal interests unduly influence the employee's judgment, decisions, or business actions. This situation may involve close family members and friends. Examples: Recruitment/Referral conflicts, Employees and their close family members working together/workplace conflicts, etc.
The act of making, altering, or imitating something unlawfully with the intent to deceive for personal gain or to cause harm to another party.
The offering, promising, authorizing, giving, requesting, or receiving of anything of value, directly or indirectly, to or from anyone in the public or private sector, in exchange for performing their role inappropriately.
Misusing trust or power by retaining or controlling another party's property or assets, intentionally taking, using, or abusing those assets for personal gain or for another party's benefit without proper authorization.
The illegal act of collecting money through intimidation carried out by a company employee.
Verbal and Physical Violence
Acts committed by one person against another with the intent to harm, injure, or intimidate, either emotionally or physically, that have serious impacts on the victim, mentally, emotionally, or physically.
Harassment is defined as negative behavior, using any medium, including visual, written, or physical, that harasses, intimidates, abuses, belittles, or humiliates.
The act of giving or receiving something in any form from an opposing party who has authority or responsibility concerning public interests.
Money Laundering
Activities that involve using money from illegal transactions and making it appear as though it was obtained from legitimate sources.
Other Ethical Violations
Actions that violate ethical or company norms that harm certain parties, such as exploitation, abuse of personal data, abuse of authority, illegal fees, defamation, bullying, and others.