Reporting Mechanism
The Canary Whistleblowing System is professionally and independently managed by PT Integrity Indonesia. It provides a trustworthy, secure, and effective reporting platform, ensuring objectivity and confidentiality. The system promotes fairness for employees and other parties who wish to report violations or irregularities without fear of negative consequences.
Reporting Mechanism and How the Whistleblowing System Works:
1. Report
Provide information through the available reporting channels (Website, WhatsApp, E-mail, Letter) using the following mechanism:
- Click the 'Report' menu to submit a complaint. Make sure to read the types of complaints before submitting your report.
- Fill out the form consisting of your name, email, and phone number to help us follow up on your report. However, you can submit your report anonymously if you feel uncomfortable revealing your identity.
The required fields:
- Your relationship with the institution,
- Report details by providing a description of the violation, explaining who, did what, when, where, why, and how,
- Initial evidence in the form of data, photos, recordings, or other documents that can be attached.
- Submit Submit your complaint data, create an account, and you will immediately receive a User ID and password, which can be used as a reference for further communication with our WBS officers via the communication box.
2. Report Verification
- The Independent Whistleblowing Management Team ('Tim WBS') will verify your report.
A report is considered sufficient for further processing if it meets the following criteria:
What What is the alleged violation known to the Reporter? The main subject of the report/disclosure and the amount of damage, if it can be determined.Where Where did the violation take place? The location of the work unit where the issue occurred, specifically mentioning the name, place, and other relevant details.When When did the violation occur? The period of the incident, which can include the date, month, year, and/or specific time when the issue happened.Who Who was involved in the alleged violation? The parties responsible for the incident, including witnesses and those who participated, assisted, or ordered the fraudulent action, as well as those who benefited from or were harmed by it.How How was the alleged violation carried out? A chronological description of the incident from start to finish. - If the information in the report is insufficient or incomplete, the WBS Team will request further clarification from the reporter, if willing.
- If the information is incomplete and the reporter cannot or is unwilling to be contacted, the report cannot be followed up on, and the WBS Team will update the status of the report.
3. Follow-up
- If the reporting information is sufficient to proceed, the handling steps will be carried out by the authorized or competent Handling/Investigation Team in accordance with the reported violation to seek further evidence.
- If the evidence is sufficiently strong, handling actions will be implemented, which may include counseling, warnings, or even termination of employment in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement ('PKB') applicable within the Company.
The WBS Team will update the report status in the form of:
Review Incoming reports that need to be reviewed.Verify Reports under verification.Investigate Reports undergoing further investigation.Decline Reports rejected due to insufficient information/evidence.Closed The recommendations from the investigation results have been implemented.