Protection and Confidentiality

The company guarantees protection for the Whistleblower to provide assurance and a sense of security, encouraging every employee to report violations.

The protection for the Whistleblower includes:

  1. Assurance of confidentiality for the whistleblower's identity and the contents of the report.
    Handling through Independent Whistleblowing is a tangible manifestation of the company's commitment to protecting and ensuring the confidentiality of the whistleblower's data. The whistleblower is also given the option to report anonymously;
  2. Assurance of protection for the whistleblower from harmful treatment by the company, such as dismissal, demotion, harassment or discrimination, and detrimental records in personal data files;
  3. Assurance for the whistleblower from any threats, intimidation, or unpleasant actions from any party as long as the whistleblower maintains the confidentiality of the reported violation from any party;
  4. Protection for those involved in the verification of complaints/ data collection to support the complaints, as well as those conducting investigations/ audits, and those who provide information related to the complaint;
  5. Legal protection for the whistleblower, in accordance with Law Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Criminal Code.